04 October, 2005

Usually my blog is about the beauty of where I live. Today it isn't. My brother, Aaron Paquette, recently mentioned on his blog that he is worried about racism and how First Nations women are treated in this country. Today, even though I don't know her, I am mourning Kathleen Beardy. Eleven years old and she hanged herself. It is heartbreaking. My youngest son is that age and I can't imagine what horrors would make a child want to end her/his life. Yes, I can't, because it would be too horrible to try. Later, I will think about it and I know the tears will flow. However horrible it would be, it still wouldn't equal her parents' torment. I can only offer them my condolences and blessings (prayers if you will).
This country MUST stand up and erase racism against aboriginals. Canada must start loving and caring for First Nations women. It is a travesty that a culture is all but abhorred in it's native land. It is heartbreaking that hundreds, maybe thousands, of First Nations women have gone "missing" and nothing is being done about it. Mark my words, if white women were disappearing at the same rate everyone would be up in arms. Government; Federal, Provincial, and Civic would be pouring dollars into the right coffers to find these women and to make sure that more didn't go "missing".
Interestingly enough, I am fair skinned, blonde, green eyed. But, I was raised as a First Nations woman. My siblings and I do not look alike at all. Unfortunately, when my sister and I go shopping (especially at higher end shops) the salesclerks inevitably ask me first whether I need help or not. Sometimes they eye my sister as though she isn't in the store for honest shopping. We were raised in the same family, have similar education, and our families are financially on par. Be that as it may, there is absolutely NO reason why my sister should take this disdain and she doesn't. My sister's middle name is the same as the lovely little girl that felt somehow that she couldn't make it on this planet. We should all be ashamed.

Kathleen, you sweet innocent...may you rest and be remembered.

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