09 October, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving! Luckily I am Canadian and not American (nothing against Americans...I am sure they are nice people...a little misguided...but sweet). Therefore, I am not celebrating the invasion and takeover of the America's. I am celebrating all the blessings that I have. I am thankful for my children, my husband, my parents and siblings and friends. I am thankful for the great food that I have to eat and the beautiful home that I have. There is so much more I am thankful for, but I would be waxing poetical.
One of the traditions that we had when I was growing up was to go around that Thanksgiving dinner table and everyone would say what they were thankful for. It was a prayer. Serious sometimes, more often than not, funny.

I had to write today because my friend, Hawk, reminded me that I don't write here very often. I began to feel like I was neglecting this poor thing. Thank you, Hawk. That too I am thankful for.


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