09 November, 2005

Um...I was just thinking. It has come to my attention that someone is worried that they might not be a part of one of my fave bands ( I am so bad *wink*) . They are so wrong. Picking favourite music is much the same as trying to choose a favourite child. I can't. So in the future I will have links to my favourite groups/songs and then anyone who reads this will have an idea who I am and what I like. Also, anybody who might be reading this will get to listen to some great music. Music is a huge part of my life. I only wish that I had an inkling that I wanted to play it a little earlier in my life. I've just started learning to play the guitar and although it's difficult and my fingers are blistered a lot of the time, I love it!

My first link to a musical group is for Chalice and Blade. This group is local and plays some really great stuff. I think I can safely say that most of the band are my friends and one member of the group is a special friend.

I had also mentioned this group earlier but didn't leave a link. They are from the Netherlands and I found them quite by accident. Omnia

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