01 May, 2006

Holidays!! Don't need to get up with the ALARM! Don't have to slave away at work. Fun and frivolity. Just what Beltaine is supposed to be. Carefree.. Today it is quite windy outside but we are still going to head out to the beach with Murphy. Perhaps we will stop and have lunch. I am thinking I would like some sort of salmon dish. I love eating out on the patio of almost any restaurant in the fresh air. Today it will be an adventure with the wind. Gelato is an option as well. I am hoping that the ocean will be wild and am looking forward to hearing the water lapping on the beach.

Well, shortly we are off.

A very happy Beltaine (or May Day) to you and may your life be fertile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Beltane to you too(belated)! I forgot that you were on holidays, I could have been hanging around with you a bit more, lol. Anyway, I always enjoy peeking at your blog and Murphy must have looked absolutely hilarious all crazy in the wind and surf and sand.
