25 December, 2005

Well, for some reason the pics won't upload. So chances are that I won't be able to show what the tree looked like with gifts. Oh well, I am sure that the boys are going to be happy. Right now there are gifts under the tree from all FOUR parents. Philip and I, and their father Trevor and his partner Deb. Lucky boys if you ask me.
One thing that I missed for most of my young life was a gift from my Daddy. I had my step dad and that was good. I am happy that Trevor cares about the kids. I am extra happy that Philip cares so much about them. As I said they are very lucky children and they are loved so much.
So to every one Happy Holidays.
P.S. to whoever got our names as family Secret Santas. We are being patient. If it is Aaron or Mangus, we are expecting art. Hehe. Just kidding. Well, no, not really. Love you all.

One more go at the pic. It might happen this time.
Nope. Oh well. Try later I guess.

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