29 May, 2007

We, or rather I, had to postpone recording The Wigglian Way this week. My back started acting up again. I wasn't sure why until I remembered I worked really hard on Friday. It's that or the kidney stones. Who knows? And I am about fed up with doctors right now. I don't like them at the best of times and I've needed them more lately than I have in years. I am enjoying some relief from pain yesterday and today, although it means I don't get to sleep, codeine does that to me.
Saturday night I got to spend a lot of time in LM's pool and hot tub which was incredibley nice. I am blessed to have a generous friends, LM being one of them. It was Steven's 30th birthday party and we had so much fun eating, talking, and playing in the water.
I can't seem to put my thoughts together right now, so I am going to go take a pill, and get some rest.

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