31 October, 2005

Blessed Samhain!

For those of you looking at today's date and wondering what the hay is Samhain, go look it up. If it sounds negative, look further, then read some more. In short (very short) it is the time to think of our ancestors, celebrate death as part of life, and start the New Year (celtic).
I had a great time taking the kids out for what I call the "children's ritual" and everyone else calls "trick or treating." It was so much fun...beautifully decorated homes, lots of scary trees, fireworks, so much ambiance.
I hope that you are having a wonderful time of year.
Take a few moments to think of those that have passed before us. Think about what you would like to change in the coming year (or, if you are perfect, what you wouldn't change for anything).
Think about life and it's many aspects.

Happy New Year!!


Anonymous said...

It was totally fun!! And yes, I believe we all were learning, it was so cool! Sparrow must have been typing very fast as Aiyana is only spelled with one "n", hee hee heeee. Love ya sis!

Little Sis,

Sparrow said...

Arrgh!! I never spell Aiyana's name wrong. See Tara? LOL. I edited the post.