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It's very difficult to find Yule presents for children that are "different". My oldest son really wants these boots ---------->>>>>>but they cost a million dollars. I don't know if he will get them or not. We shall see. Not having a credit card can somtimes be a problem. The boots would be less expensive if I could order them online, but you need a credit card. You see, I am opposed to the damn things. Credit cards not boots. I guess one of these days I am going to have to bite the bullet and get one. There is a glitch though. I am not good with credit cards or money for that matter. I think that Philip could handle the card if he NEVER let me touch it. It would be good to have for emergencies though. Or for reserving a hotel room if one of us was out of town or drank too much at a holiday party. It wouldn't be good at Yule though. I KNOW we would spend to much and we have a pretty good system going. The kids get great gifts and we don't leave ourselves short. The trick is to start shopping earlier in the year. Then it isn't a hassle and you don't get those holiday blues or get burned out. I am just looking at the picture of those boots and the more I look at them the more I want a pair for myself. They are a good looking boot. Where would I wear them though? AAAHHH Sparrow, STOP thinking like you are in your twenties, it won't make you that young. Maybe I could steal Tay's pair once in awhile? He steals my cool boots. In fact I think I have lost my pair of biker/doc marten style boots to him. His have all worn out and you know he couldn't possibly wear running shoes. What would that do to his image?? Oh well. I am sure we will find a pair for a reasonable price. Even if I have to find it on EBAY. Tay if you are reading this...don't get your hopes up. Those boots are expensive. Love you, Mom.

They're back!!
When I got home from work tonight I thought I saw something in the garden off to my right. I was wrong because not two seconds later a family of raccoons walked out of the garden to my left. They let me watch them for almost an hour. Two of the critters kept fighting each other and the big bloke waddled away. They are very wild animals and were a little skittish (which I am very happy about) but they were almost as interested in me as I am in them. These little guys (NOT so little really) kept going up on their hind legs and peeking at me. We had a mutual observation session. I am tempted to put cat food out for the raccoons but I am worried that they may not get along with Stahrr that well. After all, it is Stahrr's home too and I shouldn't encourage wild animals to be on the front porch with her. I just hope there are enough grubs in the garden for them. The picture above is pretty much what I saw times three and in the dark. Aren't they cute?? Even with their sharp teeth and nails and wild ways that I won't get near, they are adorable. I am not sure who took the picture above but I took it from the site. Hope that is enough to keep me out of trouble.
Wow! I just finished reading my brother's blog. He has his art up there as well. I've put some of his art in a previous post but today I am going to give you all (the two that read this) the link to his blog. Of the two of you, both have the link so I guess this is for my many "future" readers. Optimistic huh? Check it out better get going here though. My sis is coming to help me pick out an outfit for a party I am going to next Friday. I am thinking red and bronze...if I can find it.
Um...I was just thinking. It has come to my attention that someone is worried that they might not be a part of one of my fave bands ( I am so bad *wink*) . They are so wrong. Picking favourite music is much the same as trying to choose a favourite child. I can't. So in the future I will have links to my favourite groups/songs and then anyone who reads this will have an idea who I am and what I like. Also, anybody who might be reading this will get to listen to some great music. Music is a huge part of my life. I only wish that I had an inkling that I wanted to play it a little earlier in my life. I've just started learning to play the guitar and although it's difficult and my fingers are blistered a lot of the time, I love it!My first link to a musical group is for Chalice and Blade. This group is local and plays some really great stuff. I think I can safely say that most of the band are my friends and one member of the group is a special friend. www.chaliceandblade.comI had also mentioned this group earlier but didn't leave a link. They are from the Netherlands and I found them quite by accident. Omnia
aaahh. A day off. How sweet. Usually on my days off I sit around the house. Read. Take a hot bath. Light incense and candles and basically "veg". And that is exactly what I am going to do now. I am going to light a new Nag Champa incense I found. Run a hot bubbly (lavander of course). Find a book and kick back.