Well, for some reason the pics won't upload. So chances are that I won't be able to show what the tree looked like with gifts. Oh well, I am sure that the boys are going to be happy. Right now there are gifts under the tree from all FOUR parents. Philip and I, and their father Trevor and his partner Deb. Lucky boys if you ask me.
One thing that I missed for most of my young life was a gift from my Daddy. I had my step dad and that was good. I am happy that Trevor cares about the kids. I am extra happy that Philip cares so much about them. As I said they are very lucky children and they are loved so much.
So to every one Happy Holidays.
P.S. to whoever got our names as family Secret Santas. We are being patient. If it is Aaron or Mangus, we are expecting art. Hehe. Just kidding. Well, no, not really. Love you all.
One more go at the pic. It might happen this time.
Nope. Oh well. Try later I guess.
25 December, 2005
18 December, 2005

This is my house. We moved here this past March. It really was .... um...great? We had been living in a smallish home and then found this one for the same monthly rent. It is in a gorgeous area and I am very happy with it. Just thought I would share. The picture was actually taken by a local real estate agent. He takes photos of the homes in our area every year (for the last 8) and then makes a calendar out of them. Each home gets a one page calendar with a picture of the home they own or rent. It is quite a nice way of advertising, don't you think? That would be him in the corner of the picture but I didn't have the heart to edit him out.
08 December, 2005

06 December, 2005
Yesterday was a bad day. After work I HAD to go to the beach and see the water. Then it got weird. I saw something...I don't know what I saw. It scared me. Don't know what else to say. It was big, round, and fast. It went over water and over land. Sometime I will write down what I saw. Maybe even here.
Today was a worse day. We lost Jacob for a full hour and a half. It was the worst day of my life. He is safe at home now. But he was gone and I couldn't imagine life without him. Or his brothers.
I love you boys! You may not want me to say that online. I don't care.
I love you more than you could ever know!!!
Today was a worse day. We lost Jacob for a full hour and a half. It was the worst day of my life. He is safe at home now. But he was gone and I couldn't imagine life without him. Or his brothers.
I love you boys! You may not want me to say that online. I don't care.
I love you more than you could ever know!!!
16 November, 2005

It's very difficult to find Yule presents for children that are "different". My oldest son really wants these boots
but they cost a million dollars. I don't know if he will get them or not. We shall see. Not having a credit card can somtimes be a problem. The boots would be less expensive if I could order them online, but you need a credit card. You see, I am opposed to the damn things. Credit cards not boots. I guess one of these days I am going to have to bite the bullet and get one. There is a glitch though. I am not good with credit cards or money for that matter. I think that Philip could handle the card if he NEVER let me touch it. It would be good to have for emergencies though. Or for reserving a hotel room if one of us was out of town or drank too much at a holiday party. It wouldn't be good at Yule though. I KNOW we would spend to much and we have a pretty good system going. The kids get great gifts and we don't leave ourselves short. The trick is to start shopping earlier in the year. Then it isn't a hassle and you don't get those holiday blues or get burned out.
I am just looking at the picture of those boots and the more I look at them the more I want a pair for myself. They are a good looking boot. Where would I wear them though? AAAHHH Sparrow, STOP thinking like you are in your twenties, it won't make you that young. Maybe I could steal Tay's pair once in awhile? He steals my cool boots. In fact I think I have lost my pair of biker/doc marten style boots to him. His have all worn out and you know he couldn't possibly wear running shoes. What would that do to his image?? Oh well. I am sure we will find a pair for a reasonable price. Even if I have to find it on EBAY. Tay if you are reading this...don't get your hopes up. Those boots are expensive. Love you, Mom.
14 November, 2005

10 November, 2005
Wow! I just finished reading my brother's blog. He has his art up there as well. I've put some of his art in a previous post but today I am going to give you all (the two that read this) the link to his blog. Of the two of you, well....you both have the link so I guess this is for my many "future" readers. Optimistic huh? Check it out
I better get going here though. My sis is coming to help me pick out an outfit for a party I am going to next Friday. I am thinking red and bronze...if I can find it.
I better get going here though. My sis is coming to help me pick out an outfit for a party I am going to next Friday. I am thinking red and bronze...if I can find it.
09 November, 2005
Um...I was just thinking. It has come to my attention that someone is worried that they might not be a part of one of my fave bands ( I am so bad *wink*) . They are so wrong. Picking favourite music is much the same as trying to choose a favourite child. I can't. So in the future I will have links to my favourite groups/songs and then anyone who reads this will have an idea who I am and what I like. Also, anybody who might be reading this will get to listen to some great music. Music is a huge part of my life. I only wish that I had an inkling that I wanted to play it a little earlier in my life. I've just started learning to play the guitar and although it's difficult and my fingers are blistered a lot of the time, I love it!
My first link to a musical group is for Chalice and Blade. This group is local and plays some really great stuff. I think I can safely say that most of the band are my friends and one member of the group is a special friend.
I had also mentioned this group earlier but didn't leave a link. They are from the Netherlands and I found them quite by accident. Omnia
My first link to a musical group is for Chalice and Blade. This group is local and plays some really great stuff. I think I can safely say that most of the band are my friends and one member of the group is a special friend.
I had also mentioned this group earlier but didn't leave a link. They are from the Netherlands and I found them quite by accident. Omnia
aaahh. A day off. How sweet. Usually on my days off I sit around the house. Read. Take a hot bath. Light incense and candles and basically "veg".
And that is exactly what I am going to do now. I am going to light a new Nag Champa incense I found. Run a hot bubbly (lavander of course). Find a book and kick back.
And that is exactly what I am going to do now. I am going to light a new Nag Champa incense I found. Run a hot bubbly (lavander of course). Find a book and kick back.
31 October, 2005
Blessed Samhain!
For those of you looking at today's date and wondering what the hay is Samhain, go look it up. If it sounds negative, look further, then read some more. In short (very short) it is the time to think of our ancestors, celebrate death as part of life, and start the New Year (celtic).
I had a great time taking the kids out for what I call the "children's ritual" and everyone else calls "trick or treating." It was so much fun...beautifully decorated homes, lots of scary trees, fireworks, so much ambiance.
I hope that you are having a wonderful time of year.
Take a few moments to think of those that have passed before us. Think about what you would like to change in the coming year (or, if you are perfect, what you wouldn't change for anything).
Think about life and it's many aspects.
Happy New Year!!
For those of you looking at today's date and wondering what the hay is Samhain, go look it up. If it sounds negative, look further, then read some more. In short (very short) it is the time to think of our ancestors, celebrate death as part of life, and start the New Year (celtic).
I had a great time taking the kids out for what I call the "children's ritual" and everyone else calls "trick or treating." It was so much fun...beautifully decorated homes, lots of scary trees, fireworks, so much ambiance.
I hope that you are having a wonderful time of year.
Take a few moments to think of those that have passed before us. Think about what you would like to change in the coming year (or, if you are perfect, what you wouldn't change for anything).
Think about life and it's many aspects.
Happy New Year!!
25 October, 2005

A few days ago my sister, Tara, and I took her two daughters and two of my sons (I have 3) to the Vancouver Aquarium. We had loads of fun and all learned something (not sure what but since it was during a teacher's strike I hope we all did).
Doing the "touristy" thing we got the above picture taken. From left is Jason, Me, Jacob, Alessa, Aiyana, and Tara.
Hope you like it.
18 October, 2005

I can't sleep. Mind you, I only got off work 2 hours ago. I just finished looking at my brother's blog ...it is more than just a blog though. He shows some of his work on it. I wonder if he would get mad if I put some on here. Oops, too late...there it is ...on the side....see (on the right)? I guess I should put his blog address here too... http://www3.telus.net/paquette/blogger
The painting on the right is named, "No Reservations" and it is one of my favourites that Aaron (my brother) has done. To me it looks like the Goddess with no inhibitions. Fully being. Fully loving. No reservations. I don't know if he meant the painting to mean that or not, but that is what it means to me.
Good night for now. I am getting sleepy.
16 October, 2005

Aahhhhh! I nice sunshine colour for today. It rained all day, but it was so pretty and makes things so nice and green. Also, I worked today. After work we decided to go visit my sister and her family, without really letting them know we were coming. We stopped at the BEST doughnut shop I have ever found and bought 7 jumbo hot chocolates, 1 jumbo coffee, and 2 dozen wonderful doughnuts. When we got to my sister's, nobody was home. The kids had been talking about The Ghost Train at Stanley Park so we decided to go check it out. I LOVE this city!!! It was so nice. The theme is Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), the Mexican holiday celebrating death and our ancestors. There were dancers and devils, skeletal humans and animals (made from pressboard cutouts...but oh so pretty all lit up) and lights, LOTS of lights. The music for the train tour was all Mexican except for the end, when my 13 yr old son said that he thought the horror would never end...it was a skeletal Avril Lavigne and her music was playing. After the tour we went for a short walk in the gentle rain (to the loo, actually). There, a family of raccoons found us and we exchanged delighted sounds with each other. Under an Arbour of lights was a Shrine to our ancestors and my family and I went there to remember those who have gone before us. We said "HELLO" to our Mathew, my father Johnny, and my brother...and left offerings at the alter. It was so much fun and we will definitely go back. For YULE too!
15 October, 2005

A dear friend (very) recently mentioned that I seem sad lately (after reading my blog). I didn't mean for that to happen. Really, I am not sad. I've been introspective lately though. Thinking about where I want to go in my career and a number of other things. There are a few options that I can see. I could stay where I am. When a position opens at the "head office" I could apply there. I could go to the school board as an educational assistant, youth worker, supply teacher, or even as a teacher. It's all very confusing. Not sure what I want to do.
I've been thinking about other goals too. Learning a new trade or craft (currently working on guitar and tin whistle). Taking some sort of martial arts class. Get a tattoo ( I have been thinking of it for over 20yrs and almost have an idea...lol). The image below might make a nice tattoo. More pierces? I definitely am getting the old wanderlust back, which means that soon I will HAVE to take a plane somewhere, anywhere. Who knows? The world is open to me and there are so many options.
In the meantime, I am pretty tired and am going to "hit the sack". Good night. I am okay.

09 October, 2005
I think this will be my last post today, but I am not sure. I was just thinking of my recent posts. I am wondering if I am thinking about death more this month as it is October. October 31 is Samhain, a very important Sabbat for me. The veil is thinner. My ancestors can and will speak to me. Maybe they are making me think more this month. I know that I am thinking very important thoughts lately and those thoughts are leading to changes in paradigm.
I am going to take the time right now then, to thank them...for Thanksgiving. Sort of a melding of Thanksgiving and Samhain. Thank you all my relations, for everything that you have given me and will give me. I only hope that I will make you proud.
I am going to take the time right now then, to thank them...for Thanksgiving. Sort of a melding of Thanksgiving and Samhain. Thank you all my relations, for everything that you have given me and will give me. I only hope that I will make you proud.
Now, I don't know Poppy Z Brite (author), but my husband sorta does. Long story. I don't know her but I will mourn with her. When she had to evacuate New Orleans she had to leave many of her beloved pets behind. Poppy and her husband Chris rescue pets (mostly cats I believe) and care for them in the best way that they can. Just after the disaster a rescue group went in and saved some of their pets but weren't able to get to the feral cats. Today, Poppy found her beloved Ivan on the kitchen floor, dead. So much has happened to New Orleanians. Many have lost family members, temporarily or permanently. Homes gone. Jobs gone. I believe that for Poppy and Chris the animals ARE their family.
Certain images always remind you of a tragedy. Media flings those images at us at breakneck speed. You almost become immune to them. I know that I will remember Ivan on the kitchen floor (Poppy described the scene almost too well).
I love cats too. I had a number of black cats that looked like Ivan. Like I said, I will remember Ivan.
Certain images always remind you of a tragedy. Media flings those images at us at breakneck speed. You almost become immune to them. I know that I will remember Ivan on the kitchen floor (Poppy described the scene almost too well).
I love cats too. I had a number of black cats that looked like Ivan. Like I said, I will remember Ivan.
Happy Thanksgiving! Luckily I am Canadian and not American (nothing against Americans...I am sure they are nice people...a little misguided...but sweet). Therefore, I am not celebrating the invasion and takeover of the America's. I am celebrating all the blessings that I have. I am thankful for my children, my husband, my parents and siblings and friends. I am thankful for the great food that I have to eat and the beautiful home that I have. There is so much more I am thankful for, but I would be waxing poetical.
One of the traditions that we had when I was growing up was to go around that Thanksgiving dinner table and everyone would say what they were thankful for. It was a prayer. Serious sometimes, more often than not, funny.
I had to write today because my friend, Hawk, reminded me that I don't write here very often. I began to feel like I was neglecting this poor thing. Thank you, Hawk. That too I am thankful for.
One of the traditions that we had when I was growing up was to go around that Thanksgiving dinner table and everyone would say what they were thankful for. It was a prayer. Serious sometimes, more often than not, funny.
I had to write today because my friend, Hawk, reminded me that I don't write here very often. I began to feel like I was neglecting this poor thing. Thank you, Hawk. That too I am thankful for.
07 October, 2005
First Nation girls commit suicide 6 times more often than the national average. Why? I was talking with some friends of mine on an egroup the other day about Kathleen Beardy and other First Nations women who either kill themselves or go missing. Typically, they were of the opinion that they bring it upon themselves. Oh, yes please, please let me live a life that makes me want to kill myself when I am only eleven. Oh, yes please, please let me live a life on the streets to try to feed myself (food, void, etc) and get myself kidnapped and murdered. Oh, yes please, please let me live a life where I get lost in some depressing miasma and my family can't find me.
Give me a break. First Nations bring this upon themselves? Now say that about any other disadvantaged group anywhere in the world and see how far you get with it.
Give me a break. First Nations bring this upon themselves? Now say that about any other disadvantaged group anywhere in the world and see how far you get with it.
04 October, 2005
Usually my blog is about the beauty of where I live. Today it isn't. My brother, Aaron Paquette, recently mentioned on his blog that he is worried about racism and how First Nations women are treated in this country. Today, even though I don't know her, I am mourning Kathleen Beardy. Eleven years old and she hanged herself. It is heartbreaking. My youngest son is that age and I can't imagine what horrors would make a child want to end her/his life. Yes, I can't, because it would be too horrible to try. Later, I will think about it and I know the tears will flow. However horrible it would be, it still wouldn't equal her parents' torment. I can only offer them my condolences and blessings (prayers if you will).
This country MUST stand up and erase racism against aboriginals. Canada must start loving and caring for First Nations women. It is a travesty that a culture is all but abhorred in it's native land. It is heartbreaking that hundreds, maybe thousands, of First Nations women have gone "missing" and nothing is being done about it. Mark my words, if white women were disappearing at the same rate everyone would be up in arms. Government; Federal, Provincial, and Civic would be pouring dollars into the right coffers to find these women and to make sure that more didn't go "missing".
Interestingly enough, I am fair skinned, blonde, green eyed. But, I was raised as a First Nations woman. My siblings and I do not look alike at all. Unfortunately, when my sister and I go shopping (especially at higher end shops) the salesclerks inevitably ask me first whether I need help or not. Sometimes they eye my sister as though she isn't in the store for honest shopping. We were raised in the same family, have similar education, and our families are financially on par. Be that as it may, there is absolutely NO reason why my sister should take this disdain and she doesn't. My sister's middle name is the same as the lovely little girl that felt somehow that she couldn't make it on this planet. We should all be ashamed.
Kathleen, you sweet innocent...may you rest and be remembered.
This country MUST stand up and erase racism against aboriginals. Canada must start loving and caring for First Nations women. It is a travesty that a culture is all but abhorred in it's native land. It is heartbreaking that hundreds, maybe thousands, of First Nations women have gone "missing" and nothing is being done about it. Mark my words, if white women were disappearing at the same rate everyone would be up in arms. Government; Federal, Provincial, and Civic would be pouring dollars into the right coffers to find these women and to make sure that more didn't go "missing".
Interestingly enough, I am fair skinned, blonde, green eyed. But, I was raised as a First Nations woman. My siblings and I do not look alike at all. Unfortunately, when my sister and I go shopping (especially at higher end shops) the salesclerks inevitably ask me first whether I need help or not. Sometimes they eye my sister as though she isn't in the store for honest shopping. We were raised in the same family, have similar education, and our families are financially on par. Be that as it may, there is absolutely NO reason why my sister should take this disdain and she doesn't. My sister's middle name is the same as the lovely little girl that felt somehow that she couldn't make it on this planet. We should all be ashamed.
Kathleen, you sweet innocent...may you rest and be remembered.
22 May, 2005
I still love my life and where I live. Just a bit busy lately. Doing pretty much nothing. I have Hashimoto's disease and it is throwing me for a loop lately. I am dog tired (but have never seen a dog this exhausted). I barely have enough energy to write this let alone all the other things I have to do. Anyway, things are great and I will write again soon.
04 April, 2005
30 March, 2005
29 March, 2005
Did I tell you that everything is green? That there are flowers blooming and that the blossom trees look like cotton candy they are so full of blossoms? Just in case, I said it again. It is so nice to go outside and look up into the sky and see the stars too! And we are in (sorta) a major world city.
Okay, stay with me, even though I brag about this place...stay with me.
Okay, stay with me, even though I brag about this place...stay with me.
Another great thing happened in my neighbourhood on Sunday. It was Easter Sunday (which really doesn't mean anything to me) and in my area there is a huge Easter party for the kids. It is in a gorgeous park and there were many many people there. For five dollars the kids got to participate in a plethora of activities. My husband and I took the youngest...the other two are far too mature to attend...and spent about 3 hours there while he had a grand old time. There was also an antique car parade. What was the best thing was, this is March, and of course there was no snow. That is cool. Beyond belief.
This neighbourhood is so cool. There are little fairs and festivals all year round. There are shops within walking distance and about as many coffee shops as you could possibly want. Most of the homes are "heritage homes" with beautiful gardens. I couldn't be happier.
This neighbourhood is so cool. There are little fairs and festivals all year round. There are shops within walking distance and about as many coffee shops as you could possibly want. Most of the homes are "heritage homes" with beautiful gardens. I couldn't be happier.
26 March, 2005
Silly Bandit
My husband and I were sitting on the front porch last night, chatting. Okay, well, not chatting only...I was having a cigarette. We both saw something that we had never seen before. As we were chatting we saw at the end of the walk a beastie. At first I thought it was our kittie Stahrr, so did my husband, but as it got closer we realised that it was MUCH bigger than Stahrr. Funny thing is...this HUGE raccoon was waddling up our walk. I never thought they were that big. It was cute but I can imagine how much damage it could do to my little boy or to the cats if they weren't thinking and got too close. Apparently there are two that come into our yard and play, hence the roughed up lawn in the front. I was wondering about that!
More later about other beasties. Some are cute and nice but where I used to live one critter here is illegal. Yes, ILLEGAL!! They are killed before they get into the area and if you chance to have one as a pet you can and will be fined. RATS!!!!
More later about other beasties. Some are cute and nice but where I used to live one critter here is illegal. Yes, ILLEGAL!! They are killed before they get into the area and if you chance to have one as a pet you can and will be fined. RATS!!!!
23 March, 2005
You know, I think I forgot something in my introductory post. Like introducing myself? I am Sparrow, I have another name but Sparrow will do for now. I have a family and a job. I love my family more than my job, but the job is not that bad. My family consists of my Husband, three sons, and myself. The boys are 15, 13, and 10. We have two cats and two fish. A dog would be nice but it will have to wait. I also have very good friends. Some are more intimate friends than others and most live where I moved from to be here. For now I won't be saying where I live, it will be a sort of guessing game. It could be anywhere I suppose (unless you know where paradise is). I will tell you that it in a city near a major city that made it into the top 25 safest and most livable cities on the planet.
That's it for now. If someone does end up reading this please do add a comment. I would love to hear from you.
Signing off with Sunshine and Roses,
That's it for now. If someone does end up reading this please do add a comment. I would love to hear from you.
Signing off with Sunshine and Roses,
22 March, 2005
This is my first post. Tonight was different. Just after supper-bbq chicken wings, rice, veggies- I heard a rumbling sort of noise. I looked out the window and saw an helicopter hovering just above the house across the street. It looked like it was going to stay there for awhile so I asked my husband and my youngest son if they would like to take a walk and see what was up. They agreed and we were off on a quest. The three of us got about two blocks away from the house and saw the flash of red and blue lights and a bright beacon of light from the helicopter. There were at least two police cars, an ambulance, and F.B. I officers just down the street. At the entrance to the street was a police officer. Sounds like I live in a bad neighbourhood doesn't it? Well, I don't. They were apparently filming a pilot called, "Quantico" just down the street from us. Also, the neighbours tell me that during the spring, summer, and autumn they film many movies and t.v shows in this area, so, "get used to it". Unfortunately, I didn't get to see anybody famous but that gorgeous man from, "The Young and Restless" is in the show. Um, that sounds like I watch soaps, but I don't. I only know who his is because they said that he was in, "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" and I saw him on Oprah talking about it. Um, that sounds like I watch Oprah, but I don't. I flipped to that channel one day and saw this absolutely gorgeous hunk of a man and had to stay on the station. Gee, I wish that he had been in that scene they were filming tonight.
Anyway, I just thought that this story might be an interesting intro to my blog which for the time being is about where I live and the many reasons I love it here. It could end up being about my family or something like that, but for the time being, you get to hear about my beautiful space.
Anyway, I just thought that this story might be an interesting intro to my blog which for the time being is about where I live and the many reasons I love it here. It could end up being about my family or something like that, but for the time being, you get to hear about my beautiful space.
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